The museum itself will be closed during the Day of Carleton. However, we will have access to interior hallways which include a number of interesting window exhibits.
Parking and Directions
The museum is easily accessible by public transit.
Take MUNI subway/streetcar lines K, L, or M to the Castro St. station. Walk 1 short block north (uphill, away from the Castro District) on Castro St. and turn left on States St. Continue 2/3 of a block uphill to a crosswalk and playground entrance on the right. Go up the playground driveway and turn left up the footpath. The museum is at the top of that path. This is a short but very steep walk.
Take MUNI 24 Divisadero bus to Castro St. at 16th St. Go 1 short block south (toward Market) on Castro and turn right on States St., then follow the directions above.
For a longer (about 1/3 mile) but less steep walk, get off at Castro St. and 14th St. Walk uphill on 14th to Roosevelt and turn left. Follow Roosevelt as it curves up the hill to Museum Way and turn left; we are at the end of Museum Way.
From BART, Golden Gate Transit, CalTrain, or SamTrans:
Take any bus, train, or ferry to downtown San Francisco and transfer to the outbound K, L, or M MUNI Metro line (from CalTrain/Transbay Terminal, take an outbound N car to the Embarcadero station and transfer to the K, L, or M line). Then follow the MUNI directions above.
If you're driving:
Free parking is available in the moderate-sized lot and on nearby States St. and Roosevelt Way. As the lot may fill quickly for special events, and to conserve resources, carpooling is always strongly encouraged.
The museum is located at 199 Museum Way, San Francisco, CA 94114.
All of the above information about the museum was copied from the museum's website.