11:30am Carleton Admissions Information Session for Prospective Students
12:00pm - 2:00pm Alumni Mini-Reunion and Lunch
12:00pm Incoming and Current Student Lunch Reception
12:00pm Parent Lunch Reception

1pm Mind, Meditation and MRIs: Some Buddhist Reflections
Carleton Professor of Religion and Asian Studies Roger Jackson
2pm Innovation, Entrepreneurship & the Liberal Arts
Special Guests Alan Bauer '74 and Ben Kazez '08
3:15pm "Dark Star: The Grateful Dead"
Keynote Speaker Debate: Carleton Professor of Religion and Asian Studies, Roger Jackson
vs. Carleton Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Joel Weisberg
5:00pm+ Mini-Reunion Happy Hour at Danny Coyle's, 668 Haight Street
5:00pm+ Dinner at Danny Coyle's, 668 Haight Street